For once, the farmers of the north go hand in hand with the illegal builders in the south. What we do with these 2 different-different categories? It is a decretone approved yesterday by the Senate to iron out, as happens every year, vast and small questions of Italian politics that remain outstanding.
Alongside measures right is sacrosanct, as the confirmation of the freezing of taxes for the people of Abruzzo earthquake and flood in the Veneto, there are some tricksy we say "classic." The first is the preliminary terms of reduction of the first houses in Campania. Scraper steady until further notice, in theory a year but only in theory. Why is there a Milleproroghe year, so guys what you think about new eco news?
The second smart, which is the counterweight to the first Northern League, is another reference: the payment of first installment of the famous milk quotas that the cattle farmers of northern Italy should start to pay for producing more milk as permitted by Europe. If you want more information about Eco News - Decree Milleproroghe then check out below link. Via Read More!