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Air pollution from cocaine, in the Marche finding traces

After discover in 2007 that the air is polluted in Rome as well as by PM10 and smog by cocaine, even in Italy has decided to go to calculate how much white powder remainder balanced in atmosphere. The study is part of a trial intended Higher Institute of Health and involving seven other regions, based on a study of the CNR Ecoblog signaled those two years ago. According to Stephen Orilisi, Head of Waste and Soil ARPAM the provincial department of Ancona, the body which is carrying out monitoring on behalf of the ISS:

"The possible presence of cocaine would entail risks to health, but his collection serves as a social monitoring."

The cabins, which will carry out the monitor, have been placed in Ancona, Pesaro, Macerata and Ascoli, while giving the white tip, a point that is free from pollution, has been at Villa Potenza. The purpose of this learn is to show that the particles are collected of many substances and not only from pollutants from car emissions or heating, for example, but together different sources to make it just as dangerous even traces of drugs.Read more


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