The expected look of a synthetic tree ecologically and scientists in the US may have found a quick solution to problems of an endangered environment with what they like to call a ecologically Synthetic Tree. From the looks of the scientific study involved, this tree will be able to help in soil remediation and heat transfer. Simulating the process of transpiration the tree bolsters the theory that transpiration in trees and plants is a physical process only. Yes, not looking one inch like a real tree, the ecologically synthetic tree would function like one. It will draw carbon dioxide out of the air, as plants do during photosynthesis, and retain the carbon which is one of the most damaging gases for the environment.
The expected results look promising and the ecologically tree can help in a passive heat transfer for cars and buildings. The scientists also expect it to build better soil remediation systems by pulling the contaminated fluid out of the soil without the use of more liquid. In the same way, the technology can also draw water out of dry soil without having to dig a well. Via
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