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Meguru Eco Friendly Electric Car

Meguru Eco Friendly Electric CarJapanese companies have introduces its new meguru eco friendly electronic car which is comes with three-wheeled and three-seat vehicle. It is especially launched by the three Yodogawa Group. At this time various types of eco cars available in the market but meguru eco friendly electronic car is superb from interior part of look and outer part of look, and provides a many interactive functions like that a vehicle, it is a 2.5 meters long, 1.2 meters wide and 1.6 meters tall.

Meguru Eco Friendly Electric Car
This is especially manufactured with japan traditional handicrafts. We will provide you unique features like that 25 miles per hour speed quality, it’s different since it is based on the number of batteries power means you have to increase the number of batteries then automatically improve per hour speed quality.

The new meguru eco friendly electronic car is providing other effective features such as an air-conditioner pinwheel, superb quality based blankets, and more. I like this environmentally friendly car. Superb!

Via – reuters


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