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LED lit and Human-Powered Sustainable Dance Club Rocks On in Amsterdam

Going green is becoming fashionable not just in homes and offices but also when the lights go out and the party times roll. The world’s first sustainable dance club started with a gala night and rocked on with green energy late into Amsterdam’s chilly nights. While all the booze flowed and the music roared, the completely human-powered LED floor and loads of other sustainable features stole the show. The energy of the entire lighting of the dance floor is generated from the fancy footwork of the guests on dance floor and as the party got wilder, the lights got brighter and crazier!

Watt, the sustainable dance club in Amsterdam had its awesome opening and it set new standards when it comes to partying clean. The club sports a variety of efficiency standards established by the Sustainable Dance Club group that allow it to save 30% on energy consumption, 50% on water use, cut CO2 emissions by 30%, and reduce waste by 50%. The LED lighting, the water-less flushes and the green power generation hope to save not just the planet but also some cash for the club in the long run.

London already has a green club and this chain of sustainable clubs intends to spread its way across Europe and then across the Atlantic. While the green movement might be spreading a tab bit slowly it surely is rocking the nightlife in Amsterdam. If you wish to promote green among the teens, then this is pretty much the way to go! Via


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