current environment news and stories

Eco Story: Be there for the bee

Italy has been a busy bee trying to save the bees on their land and the Eco news is that the government has banned several pesticides that are believed to have caused the deaths of millions of honeybees. NEONICOTINOID pesticides like CLOTHIANIDIN and IMIDACLOPRID are used in sunflowers and sweet corn but not anymore. These chemicals attack the nervous system of insects and can also get to the pollen and nectar and thereby damaging beneficial insects like bees.

Italy is not the only nation to be taking such stringent steps and Germany and Slovenia had introduced a similar ban early this year while France had done its bit way back in 1999. CLOTHIANIDIN and IMIDACLOPRID are produced by the famous German company Bayer CROPSCIENCE that has made profits to the range of 800 million in 2007. And now the German Coalition are after Bayer to stop marketing harmful pesticides after thousands of hives were lost due to poisoning. Via
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Eco News: Vote (Eco) Logically!

The brand ‘Under the Canopy’ (UTC) has come up with a smart plan to make the environment issues an integral part of the political agenda in America. With just six weeks to the much awaited Election Day, it has come up with a cool t-shirt both for men and women that says ‘Vote Ecologically’.

Displaying the slogan in bold lettering, the chic shirts are made up of 100% cotton and will definitely make head turns. Possibly that is the reason why they have been launched at this time. These shirts are a reminder for every American to cast their vote with a conscience. It is a way to tell the politicians what you feel concerned about so that they discuss and come up with sound environmental ideas to improve the condition of Mother Nature.

Without expressing a bias towards Independent, Republican or Democrat candidates, UTC openly expresses its ‘green’ leanings. The women tee comes for $28 while men can get theirs at $ 34. Go ahead and get one for yourself, after all 2% of the earnings go to the Rainforest Foundation. Via
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ECO NEWS: Synthetic Tree has the answers

The expected look of a synthetic tree ecologically and scientists in the US may have found a quick solution to problems of an endangered environment with what they like to call a ecologically Synthetic Tree. From the looks of the scientific study involved, this tree will be able to help in soil remediation and heat transfer. Simulating the process of transpiration the tree bolsters the theory that transpiration in trees and plants is a physical process only. Yes, not looking one inch like a real tree, the ecologically synthetic tree would function like one. It will draw carbon dioxide out of the air, as plants do during photosynthesis, and retain the carbon which is one of the most damaging gases for the environment.

The expected results look promising and the ecologically tree can help in a passive heat transfer for cars and buildings. The scientists also expect it to build better soil remediation systems by pulling the contaminated fluid out of the soil without the use of more liquid. In the same way, the technology can also draw water out of dry soil without having to dig a well. Via
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Biking with a Spark

The LongRanger electric bike will grab the notice of those who are daring but nurse a fear of suffering a burnout. Well, this bike is a hybrid involving in this electric motor assist mount bike and completely street lawful electric motorcycle or scooter. And this lets you travel grand distance at speed of a normal human being powered bicycle. Really this LongRanger looks and feels extremely greatly like mountain bike in your mountaineer friend’s ride and it can tread on biked vehicles. And this bike can travel over 62 miles on a single arraign at a speed that was former thought to be prerogative of a top-athlete alone. And it does so without addition an inch of pollution or still noise to the environment. Built around a battery pack and it can have a hub motor of your choice. And the Ditto for the base vehicle suit, top speed, acceleration, weight and range and LongRanger is a best way to commute long or short distances while relishing the mysteries of nature. The best part is that in most parts of the world, you do not even need a license to ride a small electric bicycle. Via
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Teen Green Tees by Target

Target has come up with an ultra cool collection of tees that will have teenagers wear their eco beliefs on their shirts. 100 per cent organic, the shirts come at an affordable $10 a piece.

So why organic cotton? Well, to start with it takes only one-third of a pound of chemicals to yield cotton for one shirt. In other words, this type provides clothes to almost half the world without the use of any harmful substances like pesticides, herbicides, insecticides etc. And the bonus on that is the feature prints or wording on tees which help further the cause- ideas of Earth, peace, nature and wildlife, basically all things green.

And as we always say, go the organic way for a healthy life for both you and Mother Earth. A strong fashion statement that will definitely make heads turn. Go grab your green tee and say it out loud! Via
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Eco Product: Carry Solar Energy in a Bag

Imagine you traveling with stored up energy at your disposal in this situation we have to thank Eco product Echarger and their ultra-cool Solar Bags Eco product for that. Yes, the latest in energy efficient fashion accessories and Eco product attractive bags are fitted with powerful solar panels.

So, the sun’s rays are nicely soaked up and stored in a battery which is ready to use for charging any mobile device during an emergency. Wow! Now if the dropped jaw is ready for more, well the stored up solar energy can easily be buffered for up to three months. That means, even on days when the sun is hiding behind the clouds, you can still rely on its energy.

All that said the Solar Bags Eco product do not look nerdy and In fact, the hip colors, varying styles to suit every thinkable requirement, storage space, waterproof quality make them a must-have. So next time you out camping or on a business meeting, do not fret if your mobile phone runs out of battery because Solar Bags Eco product ‘hai na’! Via
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Rotterdam’s WATT: Using the Dance Floor Energy to Drive the Disco!

We have human-powered bikes, cars, MP3 players and even Gymnasiums and so many across the world are exploring more such avenues where we expend a lot of energy which can be tapped in to. This is truly turning out to be a great concept as we are now turning in to batteries and that is a real good thing. The principle of modern clean energy is that, ‘Energy conserved is Energy produced’. So you when the lights start flickering, the music starts pumping and… Well, I will stop there. The point is when you hit the Dance Club; plenty of energy is wasted on nothing. Not anymore though, as a club in Holland is showing the way.

Rotterdam’s WATT club features a dance floor where the disco lights become more dynamic as patrons get their groove on. The floor even has a meter to show people how much energy they’re producing at any given moment. WATT contains more than just electricity producing dance floor. Drinks are stored in basement tanks to save energy by using a central cooling system and toilets in the club flush with rainwater. The so-called “pee experience” lets patrons watch rooftop rainwater travel through transparent pipes when they flush. How amazingly cool is that? The Loo sounds much better than the club itself!

There is already such a cool green club in London and it apparently also allows customers in for free if they come on foot and do not use carbon-emitting vehicles. Of course, that needs some proving as well. WATT in Rotterdam is following the footsteps of the London based green club. Hopefully there will be more clubs across the world that will join in and have that cool flushing mechanism. Fluid in Motion- Awesome! Via
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LED lit and Human-Powered Sustainable Dance Club Rocks On in Amsterdam

Going green is becoming fashionable not just in homes and offices but also when the lights go out and the party times roll. The world’s first sustainable dance club started with a gala night and rocked on with green energy late into Amsterdam’s chilly nights. While all the booze flowed and the music roared, the completely human-powered LED floor and loads of other sustainable features stole the show. The energy of the entire lighting of the dance floor is generated from the fancy footwork of the guests on dance floor and as the party got wilder, the lights got brighter and crazier!

Watt, the sustainable dance club in Amsterdam had its awesome opening and it set new standards when it comes to partying clean. The club sports a variety of efficiency standards established by the Sustainable Dance Club group that allow it to save 30% on energy consumption, 50% on water use, cut CO2 emissions by 30%, and reduce waste by 50%. The LED lighting, the water-less flushes and the green power generation hope to save not just the planet but also some cash for the club in the long run.

London already has a green club and this chain of sustainable clubs intends to spread its way across Europe and then across the Atlantic. While the green movement might be spreading a tab bit slowly it surely is rocking the nightlife in Amsterdam. If you wish to promote green among the teens, then this is pretty much the way to go! Via
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Samsung Marches on a Clean Path by Adding Two New PCs to its Green Range

Samsung has been on a bit of a blazing green trial in the last six months as it is trying its best to launch a series of Eco-friendly products. They have already launched Notebooks, Mobiles and Desktops in this series and are constantly adding more. All of these ‘green’ products may not really be all that good for the planet and you may not really like many of them. But there is always a chance that you could end up picking one from the lot and doing your little bid to help save the planet fro warming up faster!

Samsung has brought out two new desktops that share common specs including Intel’s G43 Chipset along with a choice between GeForce 9500GS with 512MB of VRAM and GeForce 9600GT with 512MB of VRAM. Both desktops apparently have an “eco-saving mode” that results in 60 watt energy consumption by the computers; both only consume one watt during standby. The price and the details are still not clear on both the models.

This really is not all that much both in terms of choice and green features. But when it comes to going green, every little thing counts. Maybe you can pick one of these up in case you happen to like them a tad bit more than the others. Via
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Snow is the most burning issue

Remember this day, the world working on environmental issues related to climate change and because of this practice by increasing the temperature of the earth and natural snow has expressed concern over the ice. On the ice of World Environment climate change a serious question to inform the United Nations has said that natural Snowfall melting of ice and millions of people will be affected.

In view of this year 2007 on the slogan for World Environment Day and the world Environment Day this year, an this is a major issue and the United Nations on the occasion of the 70 environmentalists around the world and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) with the help of a special report issued which said that climate change due to drinking water and irrigation water available for the bad, will have an impact on and that the crisis will grow. It also said that the fast ice snow especially for the regions and islands is a matter of concern that are located on the lower level because of melting ice with the increase in sea level will become. On the occasion of the world in many countries environmental activist rallies, meetings and demonstrations through the crisis on the environment are concerned. Read More!

An Eco-friendly Solution for Cars: Courtesy Eric Mattessich

Imagine you making an effort and 70% of the energy getting wasted. That’s the plight of your engine which blows about 70 percent of the energy it creates straight out of the tailpipe in the form of heat. As Eric Mattessich realized the truth, he marched on the journey to make power plants more efficient to work on hybrid cars by adapting the kind of heat-recapturing mechanisms. Though not an absolute innovation, Eric’s design is certainly a better packaged one as the size has been worked upon.

The mechanism uses two turbine generators; in the first, the pressure of escaping exhaust spins the turbine to generate electricity. The second uses waste heat from the exhaust to turn water into steam; the steam powers the generator before traveling into a condenser, where it turns back into water and starts the loop again. Both turbines feed electricity back into the hybrid system’s batteries for a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions and a 20 percent more efficient vehicle.

In the pipeline, Mattessich is working on a prototype and applying for a patent. With this he is also looking for an automaker interested in testing by incorporating the system into new cars thereby realizing the efforts put-in in working on the noble cause. Via
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A Replacement For Plastic, Really?

Biodegradable plastic would be a welcome change that will surely take us to our world of green. A young NY based company Perf Go Green has come up with a range of products from commercial trash bags to plastic drop cloths that will help reduce plastic waste.

Looking at the hug mass of plastic that hits the garbage dump, the introduction of biodegradable alternative would be a big step towards a greener earth.

Good news is that Perf Go Green products incorporate recycled plastics, combining them with Oxo-Biodegradable proprietary method. This method makes their bags easily decomposable into simple products when exposed to microorganisms, moisture and oxygen; contrary to regular plastic that takes hundreds of years to breakdown.

If true, this would be a breakthrough! Via
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